I have a browser with this form:
| browser |
browser := GLMTabulator new
title: 'Game Viewer';
row: #galaxy;
row: #status size: 25;
browser transmit
to: #galaxy;
andShow: [ :presenter |
presenter morph
title: [ :aGame | aGame name ];
display: [ :aGame | (HGUIGalaxyMorph on: aGame galaxy) ].
browser transmit
to: #status;
from: #galaxy;
andShow: [ :presenter |
presenter text
display: [ :aStar | aStar asString ] ].
problem is that HGUIGalaxyMorph is a very complex morph (well... it will be ;) )... and it
updates some status around the "stars"... and I need to transmit that
information to other panes... and I don't know how...
so... that's the question: how I trigger an event? is that possible? if not... how it
is supposed to do something like that?