In addition to logging this issue, I am curious why dragging node4 moves
twice as fast as the other 3 nodes. I could not trace it back.
moose-technology(a) wrote:
Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium
New issue 830 by google....(a) ROLabel dynamic text not
updating bounds/ROBorder properly
The code below results in the image attached, where you can see the
ROBorder does not encompass the text. The border should probably
expand to encompass dynamically changing shapes. but not necessarily
since you may want to have a border only around the label with the
children having no border. The symptom is more that the width is
inconsistent between each of the text nodes.
| view rawView node1 node2 node3 node4 |
rawView := ROView new.
view := ROMondrianViewBuilder view: rawView.
node1 := ROElement new .
node1 model: 'node1'.
node1 addShape: ROBorder.
node1 addShape: (ROLabel text: [ 'node1 ' , node1 bounds extent
asString, ' ', node1 bounds asString ] ).
node1 addInteraction: RODraggable.
rawView add: node1.
node2 := ROElement new .
node2 model: 'node2'.
node2 addShape: ROBorder.
node2 addShape: (ROLabel text: [ 'node2 ', String crlf, node2
bounds extent asString, ' ', node2 bounds asString ] ).
node2 addInteraction: RODraggable.
rawView add: node2.
node3 := ROElement new .
node3 model: 'node3'.
node3 addShape: ROBorder.
node3 addShape: (ROLabel text: [ 'node3 ', String crlf, node3
bounds extent asString, String crlf, node3 bounds asString ] ).
node3 addInteraction: RODraggable.
rawView add: node3.
node4 := ROElement spriteOn: 'node4' .
node4 addShape: (ROLabel text: [ 'node4 ', String crlf, node4
bounds extent asString, String crlf, String crlf, node4 bounds
asString ] ).
node4 addInteraction: RODraggable.
rawView add: node4.
ROVerticalLineLayout on: rawView elements.
ROEaselMorphic new populateMenuOn: view.
view noLayout.
view open
This is Moose4.7 with Roassal.283 on Windows 7.
ROBorder does not encompass ROLabel text.png 17.6 KB
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