Oh wow. It works without changes in GETOrdinaryLineDiagram. As I’ve already told, I have
no idea what this classes are meant to represent because they are not commented but
GETOrdinaryLineDiagram can plot Date valued data by default.
On 12 Dec 2013, at 14:45, Yuriy Tymchuk <yuriy.tymchuk(a)me.com> wrote:
I like your idea, but also we should listen to
creators also :)
On 12 Dec 2013, at 14:37, Ben Coman <btc(a)openinworld.com> wrote:
Yuriy Tymchuk wrote:
Ok, I’ve made some progress in this direction.
For now on I’ve spotted 3 bottlenecks of plotting non-number values.
1) setMaxAndMinXValues
self maxXValue: (self xValues max max: 0).
self minXValue: (self xValues min min: 0)
max: 0 and min: 0 are ruining things a bit. It will be nice to rethink this part. I’m not
sure that it’s a good idea to have 0 all the time. Eg. I’d like to plot something in range
10100..10200 and as the result my data will take a very small place. Removing max: 0 and
min: 0 solves the problem but they were put there for some reason.
Automatic range setting based on the data should be default, so perhaps the following
should be considered, so that if a user previously manually force a #maxXValue: that
remains set, but otherwise it defaults to range of data.
self maxXValue ifNil: [ self maxXValue: self xValues max ]
self minXValue ifNil: [ self minXValue: self xValues min ]
(I am missing some context so probably my comment doesn't properly align with your
case. Just sharing my thoughts as they come.)
cheers -ben
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