This email to announce that a new minor release of PetitParser (1) has been published on
GitHub (v2.1.0).
Here is the change log:
- Each package has its tests separated in a separated package.
- Cleaned baseline, made it more modular.
- Created more groups to let people load the part of the project they want.
- Some cleaning in `PetitParser` package.
- Integrated PetitPreprocessor and PetitParserExtensions in the project as separated
#31 Extract PPTextHighlighter into a separated package.
#21 Add contribution guidelines
#13 Update README with new groups
#9 Fix CI configuration
#19 A TODO comment in PPMemoizedParser>>#parseOn: might need to be fixed cleaning
#11 Inconsistent method classification
#15 Split tests in their own packages cleaning
#22 PetitPreprocessor is missing some extensions
#3 Use `>>>` notation for examples inside method
#8 PPStream>>#column: has commented code that should be removed
#7 PPCharSetPredicate and PPContextMemento need to be commented
#1 Replace 'Oops' error message with a meaningful message
#4 PPContext>>#on:stream: should be removed
#2 Integrate PetitParserExtensions package from Smalltalkhub
#5 Integrate PetitPreprocessor package from Smalltalkhub
Thanks to Cyril Ferlicot for his help.
Julien Delplanque
Doctorant à l’Université de Lille
Equipe Rmod, Inria
Bâtiment B 40, Avenue Halley 59650 Villeneuve d'Ascq
Numéro de téléphone: +333 59 35 86 40