I lost all my work on RPackage of yesterday - I cannot find the changes and the packages I
saved are corrupted
and now I would like to restart to load from a given version
but the ConfigurationOfRPackage
version10: spec
<version: '1.0' imports: #('1.0-baseline' )>
spec for: #'common' do: [
spec blessing: #'release'.
spec description: 'New version'.
spec author: 'AlexandreBergel'.
spec timestamp: '2/18/2011 12:53'.
package: 'SystemAnnouncements' with:
package: 'RPackage-Core' with: 'RPackage-Core-AlexandreBergel.66';
package: 'RPackage-Tests' with: 'RPackage-Tests-cyrilledelaunay.26';
package: 'RPackage-UI' with: 'RPackage-UI-FernandoOlivero.16';
package: 'RPackage-SystemIntegration' with:
'RPackage-SystemIntegration-cyrilledelaunay.50'. ].
now when I do
ConfigurationOfRPackage project load: #'1.0'
is telling to me that there is no symbolic version and I do not get it.
I'm lost and really frustrated.