Comment #5 on issue 842 by google....(a) ROTranslatingShape
mouse hotspot mis-alignment
Perhaps we need to be able to arrange the
ROChildrenShape into the middle
of the shape-chain.
Following on from this, thought I would float the idea of considering
ROChildrenShape as reference layer 0, then the current "plus sign" could be
considered to be adding shapes layered above ROChildrenShape, while the
a "minus sign" might be used to add shapes layered below ROChildrenShape
(or the opposite orientation).
So then you might have a script like...
Here is a simple script to check the effect of changing where in the chain
that ROChildrenShape is drawn.
| rawView outer |
rawView := ROView new.
outer := (ROElement spriteOn: 'outer') - (ROCircle new color: (Color
lightGreen alpha: 0.95)) + ROTranslateShape + ROLabel.
1 to: 4 do: [ :n| outer add: (ROElement spriteOn: n)].
ROGridLayout on: outer elements.
rawView add: outer.
rawView open.
btw, what are the issues with each shape having its own offset initialized
to 0@0, or using bounds rather than extent?