Hi Johan,
It looks like you did not export properly the ports from the inner browser
(propertiesSelector2). Could you paste that here?
On 15 Dec 2009, at 02:02, Johan Fabry wrote:
On 14 Dec 2009, at 18:52, Simon Denier wrote:
> OK we are almost there ... one last hitch (see test code below). if I dont add
allowNil the text browser only shows text if all 6 lists have a selection. I want to be
able to have a list without selection (= no metric), so I added allowNil, but that always
shows the text nilnilnilnilnilnil . How do I fix this? Thanks in advance!
> | browser |
> browser := GLMTabulator new.
> browser row: #selections; row: #selectionStatus.
> browser showOn: #selections; using: [browser custom: AMUI new propertiesSelector2 ].
> browser showOn: #selectionStatus;
> from: #selections->#selCwidth;
> from: #selections->#selCheight;
> from: #selections->#selAwidth;
> from: #selections->#selAheight;
> from: #selections->#selMwidth;
> from: #selections->#selMheight;
> using: [browser text display: [ :cw :ch :aw :ah :mw :mh | ch asString, cw asString ,
ah asString, aw asString, mh asString, mw asString]; allowNil ].
Usually one inserts a when: clause to activate the pane when a specific parameter is not
nil (because at least one should be not nil to display something). But in your case it
seems different: the status is always active, but it should filter the nil in its display:
Something like (warning, not tested!)
using: [browser text display: [ :cw :ch :aw :ah :mw :mh | {cw. ch. aw. ah. mw. mh}
select: #notNil thenCollect: #asString ]; allowNil ].
Thanks for helping out, but the problem remains the same: the parameters passed to the
block are *always* nil when I allowNil, and when I dont allowNil the browser only displays
the parameters when all 6 lists have a selection. a when: does not help here (in either of
both cases).
Anybody got any other ideas?
Johan Fabry
jfabry(a)dcc.uchile.cl -
PLEIAD Lab - Computer Science Department (DCC) - University of Chile
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