On 6 Jan 2012, at 23:42, Guillermo Polito wrote:
Ok, so the right way to go is
- to implement a proper #render: in the GLMMorphicTableRenderer and
- clean the GLMMorphicListingRenderer? (I don't think lists and trees has much to do
about columns...)
It's implemented in the way it is now because it uses the MorphTreeMorph which
provides all of these.
If you say so, I think I can provide an implementation
in the next days :).
Great. Only do not call it for the moment TablePresentation. Call it something else and
create a separate renderer. Like this we can look at it and see what we want without
disturbing current users.
On Fri, Jan 6, 2012 at 5:00 PM, Tudor Girba <tudor(a)tudorgirba.com> wrote:
Thanks for looking into this so deep :). This is more than welcome. Please continue :).
I intentionally do not show the horizontal scrollbar because when you have a list with
long items, I do not want to have the horizontal scrollbar. I agree that there might be
times when you would need it, but in most cases it's a usability impediment.
Now, if we talk about tables, the current implementation is barely useful for a narrow
set of cases in which we just show a list with one or two columns. It's not really a
table. So, to fix this, we have to implement a real table with useful semantics.
One option would be to add this as a setting to the presentation, but I do not want to do
that either. The reason is that I would like to limit as much as possible the settings of
the presentations because they should be about browsing, not about manipulating the
graphical appearance of the widget.
On 6 Jan 2012, at 19:37, Guillermo Polito wrote:
Hi Doru!
Which is the method that renders a table, hehe, only puts a vertical scrollbar:
treeMorphFor: tmpTreeModel and: aPresentation
| tmpTreeMorph columns |
tmpTreeMorph := MorphTreeMorph new.
doubleClickSelector: #onDoubleClick;
getMenuSelector: #menu:shifted:;
keystrokeActionSelector: #keyStroke:from:;
cornerStyle: tmpTreeMorph preferredCornerStyle;
borderStyle: (BorderStyle inset width: 1);
autoDeselection: aPresentation allowsDeselection;
hResizing: #spaceFill;
vResizing: #spaceFill;
layoutFrame: (LayoutFrame fractions: (0 @ 0 corner: 1 @ 1)).
columns := aPresentation columns isEmpty
ifTrue: [ OrderedCollection with: (MorphTreeColumn new rowMorphGetSelector:
ifFalse: [
aPresentation columns collect: [:each |
GLMMorphTreeColumn new
startWidth: each width;
glamourColumn: each;
headerButtonLabel: (aPresentation titleValueOfColumn: each)
font: StandardFonts menuFont
target: nil
actionSelector: nil
arguments: #();
yourself ].
preferedPaneColor: Color white;
model: tmpTreeModel;
nodeListSelector: #roots;
columns: columns.
aPresentation isMultiple
ifTrue: [tmpTreeMorph beMultiple]
ifFalse: [tmpTreeMorph beSingle].
tmpTreeModel chunkSize: aPresentation amountToShow.
tmpTreeMorph vShowScrollBar.
^ tmpTreeMorph buildContents
And if you have a large table with many columns, you can't scroll to the rightest
end. I've changed that line by
tmpTreeMorph showScrollBars.
and the list and tree examples looks still ok.
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