Seriously nothing changed from 6 months in athens. The
tutorial is just taking the class side examples and put them in a kind of class.
Each time I tried I run into problems. Now it works like a charm. Things have improved.
Over the last
weeks, Roassal went through a major optimization process.
Do you have a simple liste?
Roassal has a rendering queue that contains nodes to be displayed on the screen. This list
is adjusted when you scroll. Some caches have been added as well.
Roassal has
pretty much all the optimization that ZVMT has (the library of Emmanuel, from INRIA).
can you elaborate?
I did not mean the optimizations, but more the cool concept of zvmt: the rendering queue,
combining animation, sequence of animations, having a queue of animations instead of using
More has to be done I agree.
By the way, if the Synectique crew (or anyone else) find some particular situations that
are judged as too slow, then we will make sure the slowdown get properly removed.
Thanks. We want Roassal to be really sexy.
Alex do you plan to visit us before ESUG?
It is still early for me to know. In a couple of weeks I will let you know
Alexandre Bergel
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Alexandre Bergel