Comment #15 on issue 831 by google....(a) Rossal problem
with nested node translation to left of 0@0
To refine this a bit more, for the following code, I have mocked up what I
expect the result should be. I suppose the actual local-position of the
inner nodes might not be important, however the element corners
consistently touching in both positive and negative directions should be.
In addition, I would expect the same result applying transformer in the
opposite order.
| paramNodeCount translator view outer |
translator := ROLayoutTranslator default.
view := ROView new @ RODraggable.
outer := (ROElement spriteOn: ' outer position ' ) + (ROLabel text:
[ :el2 | el2 model, el2 position truncated asString]).
3 to: -3 by: -1 do:
[ :n |
Transcript crShow: n.
outer add: ((ROElement spriteOn: n) width: 100; height: 100) + (ROLabel
text: [ :el2 | el2 model asString, String crlf, el2 position truncated
asString ] ) .
view add: outer.
view open.
outer elements "reverse" do:
[ :el |
translator translate: el to: el extent * el model.
Roassal-negative-translation-expected.png 22.5 KB
Roassal-negative-translation-existing.png 33.7 KB
Roassal-negative-translation-existing-reverse.png 23.6 KB