In our grand vision of making Roassal the best
visualizing engine of the Universe (we also know to be modest time to time, but not today
Yes please ...
I am curious:
- what are in your opion the biggest gaps to close.
- what are the short, mid and long term goals.
There are difficult questions. I
think (but maybe I am wrong), that the web will play a very important role. Being able to
have interactive visualization on the web is highly important. Even for Pharoers: many are
embedding Roassal-made visualizations in seaside applications.
In addition of using a cool programming environment, there is a big advantage of using
Roassal over other systems (D3, RaphaelJS, …):
i think you are right.
But I still set my focus on Standard Clients (Workstation). Pharo is so
small and easy to install and the Pharo environment
is perfect for small tool projects.
What about Roassal3D? I leally like the 3D City Metapthor for
visualizing enterprise application landscapes. Is this path dead?