Hi Adrian. The problem is that the packages SUnitToo(ls) and SUnitToo are
already loaded thanks to StefFoo.
Did I forget something?
----- Original Message -----
From: "Adrian Kuhn" <akuhn(a)gmx.ch>
To: "Related to the development of Moose and other related tools"
Sent: Sunday, September 23, 2007 6:09 PM
Subject: [Moose-dev] Re: Problems with Unit Test
Hello Romain,
and welcome to Moose!
You need a test runner, load SUnitToo(ls) as you use SUnitToo. Your
test method must start with test* to be runnable.
On 22 Sep 2007, at 18:25 , Romain PEIRS wrote:
I am a new mooser, I am working on a Smalltalk project with
VisualWorks. I am trying to write a unit test but I have a problem:
I have not possibility to run and to step my test because I don't
have the tools for it. Nevertheless, I have loaded the package
StefFoo, my test class inherites >from SUnit.TestCase.
What did I forget to run my tests?
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