for instance, this:
browser transmit
to: #detail;
from: #list;
andShow: [ :presenter |
presenter morph
title: [ :anItem | anItem asString ];
act: [ :presentation :anItem | self removeItem: anItem ]
icon: LWUIIcons / #delete
entitled: 'Borrar';
display: [ :anItem |
(self magritteDescription asMorphOn: anItem)
addButtons: #(save);
onAnswer: [ :value | self updateItem: value ];
morph ] ].
...does exactly what I need... so... I don't need to use the magritte presentation at
all... I know. But... it shouldn't have an option to do this? otherwise, I think is
not useful at all, for certain scenaries (and we should stuck with morph presentation) :(
El 15/09/2011, a las 11:12a.m., Johan Fabry escribió:
One trick that I do in AspectMaps to notify updates (going around glamour limitations) is
to use announcements. For example I send an event whenever the underlying model has
self announcer announce: (AMModelChanged new).
I force a refresh of the pane when this happens using the code below. You could do the
same: send an event when the #save call is made ...
browser transmit
to: #mpanel;
from: ... ;
andShow: [:a | a mondrian
painting: [ ...];
updateOn: AMModelChanged from: [:ent | self announcer ]].
On 15 Sep 2011, at 09:54, Esteban Lorenzano wrote:
I'm making some progress here... but now I need another feature.
As I'm using glamour and magritte to present some data who is persistent, I need to
being able to react to a #save call on a magritte presentation.
For instance... in my browser:
browser transmit
to: #detail;
from: #list;
andShow: [ :presenter |
presenter magritte
title: [ :anItem | anItem asString ];
act: [ :presentation :anItem | self removeItem: anItem ]
icon: LWUIIcons / #userTrash
entitled: 'Borrar' ].
how can I know if user pressed #save and there is a modified object there? (to update
persistent repository)
working with plain magritte, I'd do:
anObject asMorph
onAnswer: [ :value | blah, blah ];
... is there a way in glamour to react to updated objects?
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Johan Fabry
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PLEIAD Lab - Computer Science Department (DCC) - University of Chile
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