Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium Component-Glamour
New issue 635 by cy.delau...(a) Strange behavior with announcements
Today I experimented some strange behaviours with announcements that I
didn't have in some previous moose images.
I think that there was some changes related to announcements in pharo
recently, but I could not be sure it is related.
At one point in my code I have:
browser on: AnnouncementClass send: #actionSelector
browser announce: anAnnouncementClass.
I have the feeling that sometimes #actionSelector is executed
asynchronously from the rest the code below 'browser announce: ...' .
Not sure but there is maybe something with exception signals. If any signal
is emited in #actionSelector it will not execute the rest of the method.
I was at leat able to write a test that do not pass in latest dev
Gofer new
squeaksource: 'DelaunayTmpStuffs';
package: 'ExampleAnnouncementProblems';
will not pass with:…
will pass with:…