Some ideas ...
Problem: A tool to extend the meta-model
Solution: allow creating new Fame Classes/Relations from the
meta-browser (+ generate the appropriate Pharo classes)
Problem: Full text search on a Moose model (search any string on any
entity of a moose model)
Solution: to integrate in the Moose Panel
On 12/12/2013 10:47 PM, Tudor Girba wrote:
I would like to propose as a topic for the following Moose Dojos to
focus on building tools. The challenge is to take an analysis problem
and build a tool to support that problem.
Let me give you some examples:
- Problem: browse the Fame meta-descriptions
- Solution: the Meta Browser
- Problem: browse&search pragmas in Pharo
- Solution: ?
- Problem: ?
- Solution: ?
You got the idea.
We could create demos for these tools and use them as showcases for
how Moose enables such scenarios.
Who is up for the challenge? Would you tackle this at the next Moose Dojo?
-- <>
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Nicolas Anquetil -- RMod research team (Inria)