Comment #6 on issue 649 by alexandr...(a) PNG, BMP, GIF exports do
not work anymore in Mondrian
in 2.107. Thanks Doru for the tip. But something strange, is that it
returns a stream and not a filename. Really strange. I have to do something
interactiveExportWith: imageWriterClass extension: fileExtension
"Ask for a file name and a directory"
| fileStream |
fileStream := UITheme builder
fileSave: 'Your title here'
extensions: #('png')
path: nil.
"Very strange that I obtain a stream".
fileStream ifNil: [ self inform: 'saving aborded'. ^ self ].
fileStream close.
FileDirectory deleteFilePath: fileStream name.
self exportWith: imageWriterClass fullname: fileStream name.
Which is really ugly