we have
FAMIXPackage represents a package in the source language.
A package is different from a namespace (FAMIXNamespace). They both provide a scope, but
the namespace does it from a language perspective. For example, in Java concept of package
maps both on the FAMIXNamespace and on a FAMIXPackage:
- it is a FAMIXNamespace because it provides a lexical scope for the contained entities,
- it is a FAMIXPackage because it describes the physical structure of the system.
I propose
FAMIXPackage represents a package in the source language, but when the language only mean
grouping of entities without scoping.
The scoping aspect is captured by FAMIXNamespace.
A package is different from a namespace (FAMIXNamespace). A package defines simply a group
of entities. A namespace scopes a group of entities (it may implement
an import, a name lookup). For example, in Java concept of package maps both on the
FAMIXNamespace and on a FAMIXPackage:
- it is a FAMIXNamespace because it provides a lexical scope for the contained entities,
- it is a FAMIXPackage because it describes the physical structure of the system.
FAMIX extractor usually map Java package to FAMIXNamespace for these reasons.