I agree with you Stef. We definitely need a class to model authors. Should it be a
subclass of MooseEntity or FamixEntity by the way?
In the process, we could also remove DudeDeveloper, itself a subclass of MooseEntity
On 3 Nov 2011, at 19:15, Stéphane Ducasse wrote:
what we should do is a post importer that will add as property the authors information
into FAMIXClass
I think that this is good exercise
- how to run custom post importers.
- how to represent information in FAMIX.
I would define a Moose-SmalltalkAuthor package
to add an post importer
I would defined a
FAMIX-Core-Author package (or add it directly in Core)
that defines author on FAMIXMethod and store a bag on FAMIXClass for now (we could
perform the computation I did a class level at the FAMIX level if we want).
On Nov 3, 2011, at 5:49 PM, Usman Bhatti wrote:
hello all,
I am trying to create a distribution map for a moose model representing Citezen. Now, for
each class, I am trying to color it according to its authors information. The following
script should work for me:
|model packages|
model := (MooseModel root allModels) first.
packages := model allPackages.
(DistributionMap onContainers: packages elements: (model allModelClasses) properties:
[:cl | cl authors > 10] )
However, the method "authors" that I am invoking on cl (a FamixClass) is not
defined by FamixClass but it is described by ClassDescription. Is there anyway to connect
a FamixClass to its corresponding Smalltalk class?
I am thinking of getting the name of the FamixClass and somehow ask pharo to give me its
corresponding Smalltalk class?
Any ideas if that should work?
thanx in advance,
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