Status: New
Labels: -Milestone-4.7 Milestone-4.8
Comment #20 on issue 888 by tu...(a)tudorgirba.com: MondrianViewBuilder
should support a better zOrder
This bug just resurfaced: the rendering of the zOrder is broken.
If you do:
view node: 1 forIt: [view node: 11].
view node: 2 forIt: [view node: 22].
view node: 3 forIt: [view node: 33].
view edgeFromAssociation: 11->33.
You get the correct zOrder:
- nodes 1,2,3: zIndex 2
- nodes 11,22,33: zIndex 4
- edge: zIndex 3
But the rendering does not seem to take it into account anymore.
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