I love that attitude :)
On Oct 18, 2012, at 8:34 PM, Nicolas Anquetil wrote:
On 16/10/12 11:22, Tudor Girba wrote:
I have been willing to push moosechef for more
than a year I think :-(
I will try to put some effort there
Great. This is indeed a large and vague task. Let's synchronize around it and create
detailed tasks. Could you propose a small set?
I spent a lot of time today trying to figure this out with Moose.
Kind of "eat your own dog food" experience.
But with no success (with Moose alone).
So I went for something less radical, here are some numbers:
1- find all method protocols implementing Cook or navigation methods
(FAMIXNamedEntity withAllSubclasses flatCollectAsSet: [:c | c protocols]) select: [:s | s
beginsWith: '*Famix-Extensions']
-> 5
(FAMIXNamedEntity withAllSubclasses flatCollectAsSet: [:c | c protocols]) select: [:s | s
beginsWith: '*famix-extensions']
-> 29
+ select manually the relevant ones
-> 20
cookProtocols := {
'*famix-extensions-nav Potential Incoming Invocations' .
'*famix-extensions-cook-Private' .
'*famix-extensions-cook-SureOutgoingInvocations' .
'*famix-extensions-nav All Dependencies' .
'*famix-extensions-nav Static Dependencies' .
'*famix-extensions-cook-StaticAccesses' .
'*famix-extensions-nav All Incoming Invocations' .
'*famix-extensions-nav Sure Outgoing Dependencies' .
'*famix-extensions-nav Potential Outgoing Invocations' .
'*famix-extensions-invocations' .
'*famix-extensions-nav Sure Incoming Invocations' .
'*famix-extensions-NavPrivate' .
'*famix-extensions-nav All Outgoing Invocations' .
'*famix-extensions-nav Inheritance' .
'*famix-extensions-Invocations' .
'*famix-extensions-cook-SureIncomingInvocations' .
'*famix-extensions-nav Sure Incoming Dependencies' .
'*famix-extensions-nav Static Accesses' .
'*famix-extensions-nav Sure Outgoing Invocations' .
'*Famix-Extensions-navigation' }
2- find all the methods in these protocols
cookSelector := (cookProtocols flatCollectAsSet: [:p | (Smalltalk allClasses gather: [:e
| (e methodsInProtocol: p) collect: [:m | m selector]])]).
-> 191
these are the potential methods we want to replace by MooseChef queries
3- build a moose model with packages Moose-* and Famix-*
4- look for all FamixMethods with the name of a cookSelector (extracted above step 2)
cookSelectorInMoose := MooseModel root allModels first allMethods select: [:fm |
cookSelector includes: fm name]
-> 344
5- find all invoking methods (ignoring the one in cookSelectorInMoose)
(cookSelectorInMoose flatCollectAsSet: [:m | m queryAllIncomingInvocations opposites])
reject: [:m | cookSelectorInMoose includes: m]
-> 358
6- just for fun, check which of the cookSelector are actually called by these last ones
((invokingCook flatCollectAsSet: [:m | m queryAllOutgoingInvocations opposites]) select:
[:m | cookSelectorInMoose includes: m]) collectAsSet: [:m | m name]
-> 141
so apparently 50 cookSelectors are never invoked outside of "Cook"
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