Hi guys
I fixed the smalltalk importer to deal with pool variable.
- I wrote some tests and fixes for pharo at the shared pools levels.
- I fixed the importer
object ~~ nil ifTrue: [ ^ object ].
name asString = 'Smalltalk' ifTrue: [ ^ importer ensureNamespace: Smalltalk ].
"look simple once the rest is working"
klass := self methodEntity smalltalkClass theNonMetaClass.
(klass hasPoolVarNamed: name)
ifTrue: [pool := klass sharedPoolOfVarNamed: name.
^ self importer ensureClassVarAttribute: name for: pool].
- I updated the LAN tests
- I added tests to cover a bit pool variable access.
May be we would like to add to famix the fact that a class uses a sharedPool.
Right now we don't.