On Apr 21, 2010, at 12:38 PM, Laval Jannik wrote:
Hi all,
I am trying to make DSM generic.
In the last version of DSM, we can make a DSM based on nodes and edges.
Only the basic DSM works on it (dsm with colors). And I have to debug the interaction of
the visualization.
In the package DSMCore, I made a class DSMExample with, for now, 2 examples.
Here is an example:
dSMMatrix := DSMMatrix withNodes: #(#1 #2 #3) edges: #(#(#1 #2) #(#2 #1) #(#3 #1)).
view := MOViewRenderer new.
DSMVisualization new
open: dSMMatrix
on: view.
view open
We make a DSM with nodes and a collection of edges. An edge is a collection of two
elements: the source and the target.
I think I will do a third element to add informations for other DSM.
You can try it, and make comments.
I will pay attention to your idea to have a better generic DSM.
Jannik Laval
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