On Jun 14, 2011, at 6:19 PM, Alexandre Bergel wrote:
Hi Stef,
I haven't looked closely at your example, but try the following and let me know
whether this solves your problem or not:
view node: 'node' forIt: [
view interaction
whenEnteringUpdateNode: [ :aValue |
view edges: {aValue} from: #yourself toAll: ((1 to: 9) copyWithout: aValue ) ].
view shape rectangle size: 30.
view nodes: (1 to: 9).
view gridLayout gapSize: 10.
It seems to work but I do not understand what the edges: is the node that is entered.
I could never succeed to find that. For me the API is bogus. I'm totally confused. Can
you explain to me why the edges is the starting node?
Now when I do that the original shapes (squares inside squares) that I have turn into a
single one and I do not understand why.
view shape rectangle.
view interaction menuMorphBlock: [ :element | element mooseMenuMorph ].
view interaction
whenEnteringUpdateNode: [:node |
view edges: {node} from: #yourself toAll: #sureReferencingClasses.].
view nodes: model allPackages
forEach: [:pack |
view shape rectangle
fillColor: Color orange;
height: 7;
width: 7.
view interaction menuMorphBlock: [ :element | element mooseMenuMorph ].
view nodes: pack classes.
view gridLayout gapSize: 2.
view gridLayout.