Hi Doru. Was this finally fixed? is it still
On Thu, Aug 2, 2012 at 9:52 AM, Mariano Martinez Peck
<marianopeck(a)gmail.com> wrote:
On Thu, Aug 2, 2012 at 9:41 AM, Tudor Girba <tudor(a)tudorgirba.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a problem with FuelMoose:
> - I have an MSE produced by VerveineJ.
> - Import it into Moose 4.7
> - I export it with FuelMoose
> - But, after I import it back I get a DNU from the model. The reason
> seems to be that FuelMoose provides a property value (e.g., a method
> signature) to the wrong property slot (e.g., the package reference).
This import that you do here is in the same image where you export it?
> - I do not know if it's relevant, but I do this on Windows 7
> Originally, I suspected that somehow Fame messes up properties, but I
> tried to export and load the same model using the MSE mechanism and
> that works properly.
It looks weird :(
1) you are in Pharo 1.4 right?
2) Maybe there is something wrong in this black magic:
shouldIgnore: attribute withAll: values
"Copied from FMRepositoryVisitor>>ignoreProperty:withAll:"
^ values isEmpty or: [
attribute isDerived or: [
attribute type == FM3MetaDescription boolean and: [
values size == 1 and: [
values first == false ]]]]
^attributes ifNil: [ attributes := self classDescription allAttributes
reject: [ :anAttribute | anAttribute isDerived ] ].
Anyway...I don't think it could be a problem of fuel but rather fuelmoose
in that case. If I were you, I would analyze the methods of FLFameCluster
and see if from the "domain" point of view there could be something wrong.
Finally, has you tried this before? (when you were using Fuel 1.6 and
previous versions of FuelMoose)
> So, I would need help. If someone has time to look into this, I can
> provide the model privately.
Send it to me and to Martin if you want. No promise but you don't loose
anything ;)
> Cheers,
> Doru
> --
> "Every thing has its own flow"
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