I did star this morning to import a data base model into an already existing moose model
of a Java application and my image is still working. So in another image with the same
application's model loaded i did try to import the same data base model but as a
separate moose model (so without touching the already loaded one) and the work has been
done in 2 minutes.
Than i did try to investigate why to add to a model of ~680000 entities another ~8000
entities takes so long. I did notice that in the method MooseModel>>add: is set an
announcement (self announcer announce: (MooseEntityAdded new entity: anElement).). By
commenting this announcement the import is perform in 2 minutes. I'm not sure that
i'm right but anyway what is this announcement for? Cannot be moved into the method
MooseModel>>addAll: after having added all the entities? In this second case the
method addAll: can always use a "private" add method that does not perform the