Comment #9 on issue 842 by google....(a) ROTranslatingShape
mouse hotspot mis-alignment
I know :). Thanks for the update. I've thrown a whole lot of ideas out
there. Just a couple of minor new thoughts (not necessarily good ones) this
Depending on which way to go, if you are go the way of minus/plus...
outer := (ROElement spriteOn: 'outer') - (ROCircle new color: (Color
lightGreen alpha: 0.95)) + ROTranslateShape + ROLabel.
then I was not completely clear what the intuitive result would be for
multiple minuses chained together. Does a minus always push to the front?
Or does it push immediately in front of ROChildren? Perhaps a more
intuitive way would be to use only pluses with ROElement representing the
position in the chain where the children are drawn...
outer := (ROCircle new color: (Color lightGreen alpha: 0.95)) + (ROElement
spriteOn: 'outer') + ROTranslateShape + ROLabel.