On 16 mai 2011, at 23:23, Tudor Girba wrote:
We are happy to announce the Moose Suite version 4.4:
What is new:
• New EyeSee engine for scripting visual charts
• New Kumpel importer for SVN repositories
• New Metanool engine for supporting dynamic annotations of models
• Simplified look and feel
• Improved VerveineJ compatibility for Java parsing
• Improved FAMIX support for Java systems
• Improved support for complex shapes in Mondrian
• Improved RPackage engine support for the Smalltalk importer
A list of issues addressed in this release can be found at:
Nice work!
I feel like the movement is actually speeding up in the past months. Too bad I can't
really be a part of it for now but this can still change (although I can not be as
involved as I was before).
Simon Denier