Doru, thanks a lot for this clarification. I was able to significantly clean up the
Glamour part of AspectMaps, squashing some nasty side-effects on the way! See below for
more details ...
On 05 May 2010, at 15:53, Tudor Girba wrote:
It looks to me like the button actions are actually
actions that should belong to the MondrianPresentation. Unfortunately, there is no support
for rendering a menu on a presentation (although it would be great to have it), so perhaps
a good place would be in a menu on a canvas.
Yes, agree that the buttons do things related to the mondrian presentation. However I dont
like the idea of having these buttons as menu items because of ease of use. More clicks
required to get to a menu item, plus the buttons are more visible. That's the
'raison d'etre' of toolbars, no?
Regarding the triggering of transmissions from
actions, the preferred way is to populate a port of the enclosing pane. For that you can
directly use:
populate: #your_port on: $shortcut entitled: 'Title' with: [:presentation | ...
Take a look at GLMBasicExample>>updateAction.
OK. So what I am doing now for the #buttons pane is
(a actionList) title: 'Structural Zoom';
populate: #selection
on: $3
entitled: 'Enabled Aspects'
with: [:p :entity | <do the work required for the button and return a new object>]
populate: #selection
on: $4
entitled: 'Multiple Aspects'
with: [:p :entity | <do the work required for the button and return a new object>]
et cetera ...
- I have the shortcut as a nonsensical number ($1 to $6) because command shortcuts on
buttons dont seem to work :-( (So does it make sense to have populate:on:with: ?)
- I make sure to always return a new object so that the 'new selection' gets sent
to the outside
- the mondrian view has a from: #buttons and ignores the value passed, I just use it to
trigger the update
Johan Fabry
jfabry(a) -
PLEIAD Lab - Computer Science Department (DCC) - University of Chile