There was some questions last week about extending the Famix metamodel. I just forward the
following guide I wrote last year. It should be formatted and put online too.
Begin forwarded message:
From: Simon Denier <Simon.Denier(a)>
Date: 24 juin 2010 18:21:34 HAEC
To: Related to the development of Moose and other related tools
Cc: Simon Denier <Simon.Denier(a)>
Subject: Re: [Moose-dev] Re: Moose for SAS
Hi Ross
It's true that the metamodeling tools in Moose seem crude compared to what exist
elsewhere, but that's because we spend much more time using metamodels in new tools
than building metamodels :)
Here is the procedure when you need to define a completely new metamodel. You can still
make mistake when defining the metamodel but it eliminates most redundancy.
Once you have defined your metamodel, a set of lint rules can be run to check some
aspects of the metamodel (see below)
The essential pragma documentation is here (should be integrated in the book)
Also, a good rule of thumb is to have MooseEntity as root instead of Object, it
facilitates integration with Moose tools.
1) Metamodel declaration
For the example below:
- Create class RPGDragon from a class browser
- add (class-side)
RPGDragon class>>annotation
<MSEClass: #Dragon super: #Object>
<package: #RPG>
Notice I just define the method with pragmas, I don't add any code in the body for
For each attribute, I need to define the accessor (the getter, not the setter):
- define RPGDragon>>hoard
<MSEProperty: #hoard type: #RPGTreasure opposite:
(same thing, method decl + pragma, no code)
No need to add the initialize, it will be defined by the generator.
2) To generate the implementation, do:
MooseModel generateClassesFrom: {RPGDragon. RPGHero. RPGWall} "collection of classes
defining the metamodel"
It should open a preview window, where you can see which method will be
defined/overridden by the generator. You can always tap Cmd-x to remove the selected
definition (in case you are doing some incremental metamodel definition).
You can repeat the generation step as much as you want, provided you understand it will
overwrite existing methods.
It works like a charm if you are doing your own metamodel. If you need to extend (as in
class extension, not the Java extend for inheritance) some existing Famix classes with new
attributes, you should be a bit more careful. Actually, when I need to extend an existing
metamodel with a few attributes, I just define the attributes directly in the Smalltalk
way (with pragmas AND method body). It's fast to do.
3) optionally, check that your metamodel is correct with lint rules (especially soundness
of opposite relationships): can be done from the meta browser...
On 16 juin 2010, at 22:36, Ross Boylan wrote:
On Wed, 2010-06-16 at 22:14 +0200, Tudor Girba
Hi Ross,
On 16 Jun 2010, at 21:17, Ross Boylan wrote:
On Wed, 2010-06-16 at 09:37 +0200, Tudor Girba
> As mentioned before, there is no support for graphical support for
> writing MSE files. The main reason here is that Smalltalk already
> provides a good enough solution for quickly building classes and
> methods, and annotating them is a practical solution.
I gather there is no facility to generate the smalltalk out of the
method annotations. Is there any reason, in principle, that it
be done?
Well, if you have the method annotations, you already have the
Smalltalk code :).
Consider RPGDragon>>hoard
<MSEProperty: #hoard type: #RPGTreasure opposite: #keeper>
^hoard is smalltalk code. You also have to create the instance
variable, define
hoard: aTreasure
hoard value: aTreasure
super initialize.
hoard := FMMultivalueLink on: self opposite: #keeper:.
killedBy := FMMultiMultivalueLink on: self opposite: #kills.
It's the redundancy, along with the possibilities for error that would
put the smalltalk and annotation out of sync, that concerns me (and that
I'm trying to avoid).
I do not in some other classes the names in the annotations and the
names of the methods and variables are not quite in sync, so maybe this
is a feature.
Right now, the only possibility is to generate Smalltalk code out of
MSE code that represents your meta-model. This is like the famixCore
string that you saw in the image.
"Not knowing how to do something is not an argument for how it cannot
be done."
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