Comment #5 on issue 884 by tu...(a) The Roassal presentation
should react to custom ports
Here is a working version for now:
browser := GLMTabulator new .
with: [:tabulator |
tabulator column: #index; column: #visualization.
tabulator transmit to: #index; andShow: [:a | a list ].
tabulator transmit to: #visualization; andShowIfNone:[ :a |
a roassal
painting: [:view :collection :roassal |
view shape label.
view nodes: collection.
view gridLayout.
roassal on: GLMContextChanged do: [:ann |
ann property = #highlight ifTrue: [
ann oldValue ifNotNil: [
ROUnhighlightElement on: (ann presentation view raw
elementFromModel: ann oldValue)].
ROHighlightElement on: (ann presentation view raw elementFromModel:
ann value) color: Color red ]]]].
tabulator transmit from: #index; to: #visualization port: #highlight
openOn: ( 1 to: 20).