I'm pretty sure this works:
$a asParser , $b and
and "Answer a new parser (logical and-predicate) that succeeds
whenever the receiver does, but never consumes input."
(strings work, too, but if you just have 1 character...)
On Wed, Oct 31, 2012 at 5:51 AM, Nicolas Anquetil
<Nicolas.Anquetil(a)inria.fr> wrote:
Is there a way nice way to do a lookup in PP ?
for example, I want to ensure that I have a 'a' then a 'b'.
But I don't wan't to consume 'b'
'a' asParser , 'b' asParser lookup
currently I implemented it with a double not :-)
'a' asParser , 'b' asParser not not
not very nice
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