I am currently analyzing 80 Pharo applications for which I need to compute for each class
of these 80 applications, the lcom2 and lcom3 metrics.
Computing these metrics needs to have the attributes, methods, and access in the moose
model. Which is rather heavy. I have tried to augment the memory setting given to the VM,
but this does not work much. For now, I am trying to run moose as follows:
/Users/alexandrebergel/Dropbox/PharoVM/Pharo.app/Contents/MacOS/Pharo -memory 5000m
Is there an alternative to this? What I could do, is for each project, create a full
model, call #lcom2 and #lcom3 on each class to compute the metric, and then trim out the
model by removing what I do not need (everything except FAMIXClass). Is there an easy way
to do such a transformation on a moose model?
Alexandre Bergel