Hi all,
I have the following setup:
browser transmit to: #cls; andShow: [:a |
a title: 'Classes'.
a list title: 'H'; display: self cprops.
a list title: 'W'; display: self cprops].
(where self cprops returns what it should. Not really important for this discussion.)
and I have
browser transmit to: #mpanel; from: #cls; andShow: [:a |
a mondrian painting: [:view :classprop |
Now I would like to know if the classprop that comes from #cls was selected on the
'H' tab or on the 'W' tab. I tried
browser transmit to: #mpanel; from: #cls; from: #cls->#activeEntity; andShow: [:a |
a mondrian painting: [:view :classprop :classtab|
but classtab is always nil. Also, supposing this works, every time a tab is switched this
would lead to a mondrian redraw, which is not what I want ...
So how do I do this?
Johan Fabry
jfabry(a)dcc.uchile.cl -
PLEIAD Lab - Computer Science Department (DCC) - University of Chile