I am working on the handling of primitives in FM3 and Famix 3, and
would like to make a small survey on how primitives had been used in
Famix 2
- who used the custom primitives fature in Meta?
- who added a custom primitive other than Timestamp/Date/Time?
- which primitives are you missing?
I saw that dates are used in many projects (Chronia, Dude, etc...)
and hence suggest to include them in FM3 as built-in primitives. The
list of primitives is thus
Date (new)
with MSE format
string ::= ( "'" [^']* "'" )+
boolean ::= "true" | "false"
date ::= digit{4} "-" digit{2} "-" digit{2} ( ","digit{2}
":" digit
{2} ":" digit{2} )
number ::= "-"? digit+ ( "." digit+ )? ( "e" (
"-"? digit+ ))?
@toon, can you extend the MSEParser in Smalltalk to recognize this
token? I have only poor Store access here.