i have a problem with the moose panel: when i load my stuff (MooseJEE) i have a group of
database tables which has defined on top 2 visualizations. When i load a model form a MSE
file, the first time that i click on that entity it is actually recognized has a
TableGroup (see figure 1). When i click a second time on it it not consider anymore a
TableGroup but just a MooseGroup, consequently i loose all the information specifically
related with the table group (see figure 2).
I define my group like this:
<navigation: 'All Data Base Tables'>
| group |
group := self allWithType: MJFAMIXTable ofGroupClass: MJFAMIXTablesGroup.
group description: 'All Data Base Tables'.
SessionBeans group has the same definition but it works all the time.
Any ideas on which could be the problem?