I am trying to add a checkbox in the glamour status bar for allowing user
to change the type of interaction with a visualization. I've seen different
glamour examples but most are about adding lists, buttons and dropdown
My question: Is there an easy way to add a checkbox in the status bar of
the GLMTabulator?
I have a (not so elegant) solution that allows toggling for the moment.
browser := GLMTabulator withStatusbar.
browser column: #painting.
act: [:b |
((b actions at: 1) title includesSubString: 'Provider')
ifTrue: [(b actions at: 1) title: 'Client Dependencies'.]
ifFalse: [(b actions at: 1) title: 'Provider Dependencies']
] entitled: 'Client Dependencies'.
browser transmit to: #painting; andShow: [ :a |
a mondrian view: self view ].
^ browser