Status: Fixed
Comment #4 on issue 1015 by alexandr...(a)gmail.com: GraphET should support
lineWidth and legend
All these have been addressed recently.
Consider the pie and legend:
| b myClasses lb normalizer |
myClasses := (Array with: Dictionary with: Collection with: Set with:
OrderedCollection ).
b := RTPieBuilder new.
b interaction popup.
b objects: myClasses.
b slice: #numberOfMethods.
b globalRule distinctColor.
b labelled.
b emphasize: Set by: 20.
b emphasize: Dictionary by: 20.
lb := RTLegend2Builder new.
lb view: b view.
lb addText: 'Distribution of number of Methods in some classes'.
normalizer := RTMultiLinearColorForIdentity new objects: myClasses.
myClasses do: [ :aClass |
lb addColor: (normalizer rtValue: aClass) text: aClass name.
lb build.
b open.
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