I found the solution this morning : during the setUp of the tests, the
method repository>>complete is called by the method
System>>reinitializeTestSystem and add the path for Enumeration and
EnumerationLiteral in the pathMap of the metaRepository.
I fixed my problem by adding metaRepository complete in the initialize
method of my importer,
but I think it could be better to add it in the Meta-ImportExport
Importer>>initialize: aRepository method. But this will make my importer
depends of the version of the Meta-ImportExport bundle :(
what do you think is the best solution ?
I'm facing a very strange problem with my Ecore importer :
I implement the EMOF.Enumeration and EMOF.EnumerationLiteral this morning
and use them in my importer.
I wrote some tests and all of them run perfectly.
But when I try to replay my test scenario in a workspace :
|importer repository|
importer := EcoreMetaModelImporter withActiveMetaMetamodel.
importer importEcoreMMFile:
'F:\Cours\EclipseWorkbench\essaiEditor2\test.ecore' .
repository := importer asRepository.
self halt.
I encounter an error :
"Import error: unknwon EMOF class EMOF.EnumerationLiteral "
however, when I inspect my importer's metaRepository, EMOF.Enumeration and
EMOF.EnumerationLiteral appear in the metaRepository elements, but not in
its pathMap.
I don't understand why during the test EMOF.Enumeration and
EMOF.EnumerationLiteral are added to the pathMap of the metaRepositrory
and not during a execution in the workspace.
I 've tried to understand when the pathMap is initialized, but did not
find anything that helps me.
Any idea of what can happen ?
PS : I have published my bundles : Meta-Ecore-Importer 0.1bouazza and
Meta-EMOF-Model 0.239e.2bouazza this afternoon.
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