On Wed, Mar 22, 2017 at 1:12 AM, Alexandre Bergel
<alexandre.bergel(a)me.com> wrote:
RTMetricNormalizer new
elements: es;
normalizeSize: #numberOfMethods min: 20 max: 50;
normalizeColor: #numberOfVariables.
I now fully understand your question :-)
The terminology of object-orientation says that an “instance" is an “object”
or a “class instance” (these three appellations are rigorously equivalent).
The code above creates an instance of the class RTMetricNormalizer and
initializes it.
There are actually two normalizations, one occurring with the message
#normalizeSize:min:max:, and the second one using #normalizeColor:
As you can guess, the first normalization affects the size while the latter
affects the color. The normalization happens in the method invoked by these
messages, which are RTMetricNormalizer>>normalizeSize:min:max: and
RTMetricNormalizer>> normalizeColor:.
The actual normalization happens in some private methods defined on
RTMetricNormalizer. If you are curious, you can have a look at
RTMetricNormalizer>>normalizeColor: metricBlock using: colors using:
transformation min: min max: max
With “sideeffect” I meant in a way:
RTMetricNormalizer new elements: es; …
RTGridLayout new on: es.
Yes, you are absolutely right. The class RTMetricNormalizer, RTGridLayout
operate by doing side effects on the relevant nodes.
You can keep the instance if you wish so, but this is not necessary in this
Note that this way of coding is perfectly normal regarding object-oriented
design. There is nothing particular to Roassal or Pharo here.
I guess the analogy is, that you make a hammer to bash the elements into shape,
and then you throw the hammer away.
cheers -ben