I asked several guys around here to have a look at Glamour and gives you feedback and to
see if we can build some cool tools
with glamour. Alain told me that he will have a look too.
Now the problem of benjamin is also really interesting in the sense that we could not
debug it and find the problem ourselves
and that was frustrating: mismatch of block arguments or something like that.
This is this aspect of glamour that I would like to see lowered.
You see even reading your answer and looking at the code I do not get it. :(
then some questions:
why children: [:item :x :level |
> level > 1 ifTrue: [#()] ifFalse: [1 to:
item ] ]].
could not be
child: childObject level: level....
I have no idea what is x.
So for me there is an overuse of block and blocks have no name contrary to method so we
miss a lot of the hidden context.
So any solution lowering the amount of blocks would be good may be using methods instead
and (in that case having
less scripting and more programming api would help).
I understand that right now you want to script your browser in a workspace. But when the
script gets bigger and gets hosted in a class
then not using method is frustrating. so having an API for scripting is one point but it
would be good to have the counterpart when we
code class because at the end we will code classes.
> Hi Benjamin,
> First of all, welcome :).
> Second of all, thanks for reminding me that I should update the examples with using
the new API, instead of the old one that uses showOn:. I committed a quick update of the
treeWithChildrenByLevel to give you an idea of the difference.
> Coming back to your example, the problem is that the children block does not return a
collection, but an integer. If you want to see the children of a node, you need to specify
a collection with objects that will appear as children. Ideally, they should be of the
same type as the root nodes.
> Cheers,
> Doru
> On 2 Nov 2010, at 19:12, Benjamin wrote:
>> Hi everybody,
>> I'm just discovering Glamour, and after having read examples, I've
tested to write my own browser but, as you guessed, it doesn't work and moreover the
debugger doesn't help me at all
>> Here is my code :
>> recentSetBrowser
>> | browser |
>> browser := GLMTabulator new.
>> browser column: #one.
>> browser showOn: #one; using: [
>> browser tree
>> title: 'Tree';
>> children: [:item :x :level |
>> level > 1 ifTrue: [#()] ifFalse: [item size ]]].
>> ^browser
>> Here is the example :
>> treeWithChildrenByLevel
>> |browser |
>> browser := GLMTabulator new.
>> browser column: #one; column: [:c | c row: #two; row: #three].
>> browser showOn: #one; using: [
>> browser tree
>> title: 'Tree';
>> children: [:item :x :level |
> level > 1 ifTrue: [#()] ifFalse: [1 to:
item ] ]].
>> browser showOn: #two; from: #one; using: [ browser text title:
'Selection preview' ].
>> browser showOn: #three; from: #one->#selectionPath; using: [
>> browser text title: 'Selection path preview'].
>> ^ browser
>> When I run
>> GLMTest1 new recentSetBrowser openOn: #('lapin' 'chapeau')
>> the debugger answer :
>> 'MessageNotUnderstood: SmallInteger>>collect:' ...
>> If someone can help me :)
>> Benjamin Van Ryseghem
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