On Tue, Oct 1, 2013 at 12:41 AM, Alexandre Bergel
Hi Roberto,
First of all, I really would like to thank you for your email. This kind
of emails are really important for improving Roassal.
I have solved your problem. Check this video:
Even though the solution is quite ad-hoc, I think you can play with it.
Consider the following examples:
| view elements stack t running |
view := ROView new.
view @ RODraggable.
"Stack, useful to have a menu"
stack := ROViewStack new.
stack addView: view.
t := 0.
running := nil.
stack addMenu: '+1' callBack: [ :evt |
t := t + 1.
view elementsDo: #remove.
elements := (ROElement forCollection: (1 to: t)) collect: [:e | e
+ (ROBorder gray size: 200) + ROBox ].
view addAll: elements.
running := view elements first.
view elements allButFirst do: [ :el |
view add: (ROEdge lineFrom: running to: el).
running := el.
" ROHorizontalLineLayout on: view elements.
" (ROTreeMapLayout withWeightBlock: [ :e | e model ]) applyOn:
stack open.
| view elements stack t classes |
view := ROView new.
view @ RODraggable.
"We prepare the data"
classes := ROShape withAllSubclasses asSortedCollection: [ :c1 :c2 | c1
name < c2 name ].
t := 0.
"Stack, useful to have a menu"
stack := ROViewStack new.
stack addView: view.
stack addMenu: '+1' callBack: [ :evt |
"Increment the amount of classes found in the visualization"
t := t + 1.
"We clean the view"
view elementsDo: #remove.
elements := (ROElement forCollection: (classes copyFrom: 1 to: t))
collect: [:e | e + (ROBorder gray size: 200) + ROBox @ ROPopup ].
view addAll: elements.
view elements allButFirst do: [ :el |
view addAll: (ROEdge buildEdgesFromElements: elements
from: #superclass to: #yourself).
" ROTreeLayout on: view elementsNotEdge edges: view elementsAsEdge.
" (ROTreeMapLayout withWeightBlock: [ :e | e model
numberOfLinesOfCode]) applyOn: elements.
view signalUpdate.
stack open.
On Sep 30, 2013, at 4:21 AM, roberto.minelli(a) wrote:
I am playing around with Roassal (in particular, a tree map) and I have
question: Is there a way to dynamically adding nodes? I mean, once the
view is generated to update the #nodes by adding a new node (and
associations as well, i.e., edges) and have the visualization re-
At the moment I managed to have something *almost* working, but the
behavior of
the ROTreeMapLayout is not clear to me.
Using the ROMondrianViewBuilder I can specify the size of the Tree map,
but then I
am not able to dynamically add nodes. Well, at least I did not
manage to do that. So I moved to pure Roassal, as suggested by Alejandro.
Here's how my actual code looks like:
I am a beginner with Roassal, so I spend some time to figure out how to
draw the
tree map in this way. I did not really quite understand why I have
to add the ROBox new size: 200 to the ROElement, but I'll figure it out.
The thing is when I try to add the new node. Following, again,
advice I am writing something like:
"I add a new node, re-layout the view, and signalUpdate"
rawView add: ((ROElement on: 10) + (ROBox new size: 200)).
(ROTreeMapLayout withWeightBlock: [ :e | e model ]) applyOn: rawView
rawView signalUpdate .
The result is quite strange, the view is indeed updated but I cannot
why all sizes are messed up.
I think that once I apply the layout, the "elements" array is actually
changed (i.e., sizes, parents, resize strategy). Am I correct? is it the
correct behavior?
My questions, in short are: How can I fix the overall size of the tree
map? Am I
doing everything correct till now?
Thanks again for your help,
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Alexandre Bergel
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