Comment #5 on issue 576 by alexandr...(a) Border of children
depends on another shape in a complex shape
I found the problem. It is due to the cache. Currently, each node contains
a dictionary referenced by a variable called "attributes". This dictionary
maps metrics to values. For example, if I have a script like "view
node: 'hello'", then the MONode that represents 'hello' will have the
attributes dictionary full of associations like: {cacheWidthFor: -> 5,
cacheHeightFor: -> 5, cacheborderWidthFor:-> 1}.
Everything is okay so far. The basic assumption behind the cache, is that a
MONode can have only one graphical representation. This assumption is wrong
because of the formbuilder. When I first designed the cache, the forms
builder was quite mysterious to me. I better understand the implications
For the upper shape (MORectangleShape new fillColor: Color green;
withText), the border width is 1. For "view shape rectangle fillColor:
Color red; borderColor: Color blue; borderWidth: 10; size: 90", the border
width is 10. So, two different values for the same MONode.
I will update the cache to have something like:
{(shape1, cacheWidthFor:) -> 5, (shape1, cacheHeightFor:) -> 5, (shape1,
cacheborderWidthFor:)-> 1, (shape2, cacheborderWidthFor:)-> 10}
This will have an impact on performance. How does that sound?