A FAMIX.Access
represents how a variable is accessed by a method/
function. So, if you have something like "method() { ...
anObject ... }", then you will get a FAMIX.Access that has anObject
variable as "accesses" and method as "accessedIn".
Please note that in FAMIX 2, the property FAMIX.Access.accesses can
not only to structural entities (ie attributes, variables and
globals) but
alas also to classes or namespaces! Yet another Smalltalk oddity :)
This will change in FAMIX 3.0, accesses to classes or
will be
modeled with a new FAMIX.Reference entity. And FAMIX.Access.accesses
restricted to structural entities only.
will you change the name because I always hated this accesses for non
>> - what is the difference/similarity of "(candidate (idref: 37))" and
>> "(invokes 'yourself()')" in a "FAMIX.Invocation"?
> In dynamically typed languages, it happens that we not know for sure
> which method is actually invoked.
So, in this
case, we compute
several "candidates". So, the "candidate" property is a collection
pointers to FAMIX.Method / Function. "invokes" on the other hand
represents just the string of the call.
The same for static typing when methods are overwritten! For example
the following invocation
Object o;
would have (invokes 'toString()') and have ALL implementations of
as candidates.
Personally I am not happy with that way of modelling invocations,
but did
not yet figure out how we can do better.
- what to
do when there is no "(receivingVariable (idref: 24))" in a
There are two possibilities. Either the parser did not work for some
reason, or the call is to a function, and not to a method. In any
case, our analyses hardly depend on the receivingVariable
Third reason (and by far the most common!) is that the invocation
was sent
to an intermediate result rather than a variable, for example the
coll to length()
String a = "a";
String b = "b";
("a" + "b").length();
or another example, the following call to next()
Collection coll;
- what
means "(hasClassScope false)" in a "FAMIX.Attribute"?
hasClassScope corresponds with "static" in Java.
- what is a "FAMIX.FormalParameter" and
are they referenced in
FAMIX.FormalParameter represents parameters of a method/function. As
variables, they can be the receivingVariable of an invocation.
- what is a "FAMIX.LocalVariable" and
are they references in
FAMIX.LocalVariable represents a variable that is defined locally in
a method or a function, so LocalVariable "belongsTo" a FAMIX.Method/
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