Status: Fixed
Comment #10 on issue 714 by anquetil...(a)gmail.com: VerveineJ does not
produce correct values for classes in annotation instances
This is becoming more difficult.
First I choose the solution of "{InterceptorClass.class,
AnotherInterceptorClass.class}" to avoid changing FAMIX and make it
unnecessarily complex
second, the problem with the previous pb was that the
annotationInstanceAttribute "InterceptorClass.class" was treated as an
array of one element by JDT
I corrected it by taking the first element of the array.
Now, {InterceptorClass.class, AnotherInterceptorClass.class} is also an
array and it did not show correctly because verveinej took only the first
This is easy to solve when the array has more than one element.
But when it has only one element, I have no way to tell the difference
"InterceptorClass.class" and "{InterceptorClass.class}".
I choose to always consider it is the first solution (so I don't put {}
around an array of one)
Hope it will be acceptable to all
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