Hi Alex,
In FAMIX 2.2 (the current one from Moose) we do not have an explicit
representation of class references. The solution is to overload
FAMIXAccess to point both to variables and to classes. That is rather
hackish :).
In the new FAMIX, we have a first class Reference entity.
On Apr 16, 2008, at 9:12 PM, Alexandre Bergel wrote:
I haven't got an answer, maybe my email was not formulated that well.
How to express reference to a class by a method ? I have seen a
FAMIXLiteral. Should I use this?
I would expect that expressing dependencies is a common task for most
of you no?
I am kind of lost in the jungle of different terms and appellation
used in moose :-(
On 15 Apr 2008, at 19:21, Alexandre Bergel wrote:
Dear list,
I am still struggling in populating my meta model with Java code.
It is not clear to me how I can express dependencies. For example,
I have a class Point, and a second class PointFactory. I guess
there should be a famix entity intended to express this situation
that contains the following information:
- the method PointFactory>>createNewPoint has a reference to Point
Which of the FAMIXes classes should I use? FAMIXAccess,
FAMIXInvocation, FAMIXGlobalVariable?
Then, what should I do with this famix entity. The FAMIXMethod
(PointFactory>>createNewPoint) should know about it. Where should I
do an add: ? In FAMIXMethod>>accesses, incomingInvocations,
outgoingInvocations, ... ?
Side question, what is a group (e.g., incomingInvocationsGroup)?
Side questions 2: does it make sense that I add come comments in
the moose code and then publish it in Store? I will do this... This
is important I believe. But how can I do it? Sorry about my
ignorance about Store.
Alexandre Bergel
Alexandre Bergel
Moose-dev mailing list