Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium Component-Roassal
New issue 1100 by Unhandled division by zero in
In Charter, I get divide by zero exception when y values are zero. Here is
an example to reproduce the bug:
| b data minDate view color |
view := RTView new.
b := RTCharterBuilder new.
b view: view.
b extent: 400 @ 200.
data := {DateAndTime now -> 0 . DateAndTime now + 200 -> 0} asDictionary.
minDate := data keys min.
color := Color random.
b interaction popupText: [:each | each ] .
b shape ellipse
size: 10;
color: color.
b points: data keys.
x: [ :aDate | aDate asUnixTime - minDate asUnixTime ];
y: [ :each | data at: each ].
b connectDotColor: color.
b axisConfiguration
labelRotation: -30;
minValue: 1000;
numberOfTicks: data keys size -1;
labelConvertion: [ :v | (DateAndTime fromUnixTime: (v + minDate
asUnixTime)) asDate].
b axisX.
b build.
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