This little q&a game I initiated on the humane assessment blog might be interesting
for people interested in Moose:
Assessment is not difficult once you jump in the boat. But, this jumping can be perceived
to be difficult. To dispel the magic, let's open the curtain and play a game.
It's simple. You ask questions, and I will answer them on this blog.
How to ask questions:
• send me an email at tudor(a)tudorgirba.com
• post a comment on this blog
• post a tweet mentioning @humaneA, or @girba
• ask me in person when you see me (I will be at PharoConf and Jazoon in the following
What questions? Any questions.
What's in it for me? You will help me shape my ideas.
Your turn now.
If you can't say why something is relevant,
it probably isn't.