Comment #10 on issue 1089 by alexandr...(a) Roassal should export
I've tried this and it looks okay (simply adding 10 @ 10 to the extent):
b := RTMondrianViewBuilder new.
b shape rectangle
width: [ :cls | cls numberOfVariables * 5];
height: #numberOfMethods;
linearFillColor: #numberOfLinesOfCode within: RTObject withAllSubclasses.
b nodes: RTObject withAllSubclasses.
b edgesFrom: #superclass.
b treeLayout.
b build.
trachelCanvas := b view canvas.
form := FormCanvas extent: (trachelCanvas encompassingRectangle) extent.
session := Smalltalk session.
surface := AthensCairoSurface extent: (trachelCanvas encompassingRectangle
extent + (10 @ 10)) asIntegerPoint.
form fillRectangle: (trachelCanvas encompassingRectangle expandBy: 10 @ 10)
color: trachelCanvas color.
"The drawing has to be done when a change in the shapes occured or when
there is an animation."
surface drawDuring: [:cs |
surface clear.
"We display the elements that are subject to the camera"
trachelCanvas shapes do: [ :trachelShape |
trachelShape drawOn: cs.
"We display the elements that are _NOT_ subject to the camera"
trachelCanvas fixedShapes do: [ :trachelShape |
trachelShape drawOn: cs.
"aCanvas translucentImage: surface asForm at: self bounds origin."
"asForm creates a new Form, which is likely to be expensive. This can be
form image: surface asForm at: trachelCanvas encompassingRectangle origin
sourceRect: (0 @ 0 extent: surface extent) rule: 34.
surface writeToPng: '/tmp/foo.png'
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