I looks like the arrow is still centered on the shapes; it is just that the
'shapes' are now composite shapes consisting of the text 'Test' and the
drawn/filled shape.
What I think you want is a way to connect the arrows between the SVG
sub-shapes, correct? I am not sure (at all) how to do that.
On Tue, Aug 28, 2018 at 12:04 PM Hernán Morales Durand <
hernan.morales(a)gmail.com> wrote:
Attached screenshots just in case someone has a clue.
2018-08-23 14:31 GMT-03:00 Hernán Morales Durand <hernan.morales(a)gmail.com
When connecting two composite shapes with RTEdgeBuilder, the connector
position loose its center over the connecting shapes.
It's easier to explain with two scripts:
This one looks good, the connector (RTArrowedLine) is centered:
| view shapes myElems |
view := RTView new.
myElems := 1 to: 2.
shapes := (RTSVGPath new
path: 'm 3.96875,9.2604167 h 31.75 V 25.135417 C 22.489583,23.8125
17.197917,34.395833 3.96875,27.78125 Z';
fillColor: Color red;
borderColor: Color black;
borderWidth: 1.2;
scale: 1.4) elementsOn: myElems.
view addAll: shapes.
RTEdgeBuilder new
view: view;
shape: (RTArrowedLine new
color: Color white;
elements: shapes;
connectFrom: 1 to: 2.
RTTreeLayout new
verticalGap: 30;
horizontalGap: 30;
applyOn: shapes.
view inspect.
However when adding a label in a composite, both label and arrow looks
| view shape shapes myElems |
view := RTView new.
myElems := 1 to: 2.
shape := RTCompositeShape new
add: (RTLabel new text: 'Test');
add: (RTSVGPath new
path: 'm 3.96875,9.2604167 h 31.75 V 25.135417 C
22.489583,23.8125 17.197917,34.395833 3.96875,27.78125 Z';
fillColor: Color red;
borderColor: Color black;
borderWidth: 1.2;
scale: 1.4);
shapes := shape elementsOn: myElems.
view addAll: shapes.
RTEdgeBuilder new
view: view;
shape: (RTArrowedLine new
color: Color white;
elements: shapes;
connectFrom: 1 to: 2.
RTTreeLayout new
verticalGap: 30;
horizontalGap: 30;
applyOn: shapes.
view inspect.
Any idea how to align these shapes?
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