Hi Usman,
On 18 May 2011, at 22:56, Usman Bhatti wrote:
Verveinesharp aims to extract program information from
C# code and writes the information into an MSE for analysis of the info in Moose. I have
placed a preliminary version of VerveineSharp on its website.
Great news!
Unfortunately, I do not have access to a Windows machine. Would it be possible to make
available an MSE file + sources of some larger C# open source project?
It exports the following code information to MSE:
- Namespaces
- Classes/Interfaces/Inner Classes
- Class Members
- Invocations/Access/Inheritance/Implements
- Delegates as Inner classes + method attached to delegates...
Interesting solution. You should also know that it is possible to create a dedicated
CSharp extension of FAMIX. Just raise the point and we see what can be done.
Also, there is a UI with VerveineSharp that helps
visualizing all these elements in a tree-like structure.
The zip file also contains some tests that can be executed through the bat file.
VerveineSharp is developed and tested on .Net FW 2.0.
There are some known issues:
1. Any assemblies referenced in a program but not present in the program folder make
VerveineSharp to terminate prematurely. This requires some reflection to resolve.
2. SourceLanguage is still not set as I am having some trouble in Java libs.
What do you mean?
Probably, we can use bug db of Moose for
Definitely. I added a tag for this, and I added your Gmail address to the project members.
Moose-dev mailing list
"Value is always contextual."